Landscape Monitoring System
Confidential - 2023
Designed and built a multi-tenant application that enables remote monitoring of landscape-level forest cover change. Areas are subdivided by hexagons, and monitored daily using Sentinel-2 imagery. When significant and sustained change is observed, alerts are generated in the database, and updated in the monitoring system. The monitoring system operates at scale and can be extended to detect harvesting, bushfires, windthrow and significant stresses that cause canopy thinning or loss.
Open Earth Engine
OSS - 2023
Visualize data from Earth Engine using natural language. An experiment to test the current capabilities of large language models (LLMs). Enables users to query the Earth Engine catalog via a vector database and execute and visualize arbitrary code written by an LLM via the Earth Engine Node API.
IPLC Financing Network Map
The Ford Foundation - 2023
A D3 force-directed graph of key donors/intermediaries' historical funding relationships with organizations implementing IPLC tenure and forest management projects. An input to analysis of current and future funding pathways for IPLC tenure and forest management activities by bilateral and philanthropic donors.
IPLC Financial Analysis Tool
RRI/RFN - 2022
Designed and built an interactive online database that provides accessible and timely data on efforts to finance recognition of IP/LC/ADs land rights, and their conservation and development initiatives in developing countries.
Path to Scale Website
RRI - 2021
The Path to Scale (P2S) is an informal initiative that aims to scale-up global ambition to legally recognize the land and resource rights of Indigenous Peoples, local communities and Afro-descendant Peoples—particularly women—at least to a level necessary to achieve the 2030 global climate and biodiversity targets. The interactive tool provides relevant statistical information on donor activities, country and global progress.
CV Formatter
Internal - 2020
Internal project to provide a standardized template for team CVs. Transforms a standardized XLSX template into a pdf using CSS. Enables reactive sorting/toggling of individual CV template items.
Inclusive Conservation Initiative
IUCN & Conservation International - 2019
The Inclusive Conservation Initiative (ICI) is a GEF-supported project designed and led by IUCN and CI to enhance Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ (IPLCs) efforts to steward lands, waters and natural resources that deliver global environmental benefits and address the growing drivers of global environmental degradation.